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Unique Mind ESP
Banebakken 52
3127 Tønsberg, Norway
Tlf. +47 90 28 49 49
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Monday – Friday 9-15
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“Everyone has unused potential that we can bring forth to get the best out of life”
This statement is a short summary of 24 years of Deborah Borgen’s own development and systematic work, which led to the basic course in DB-System®. She wanted to give everyone the same opportunity, and in January of 2010 she introduced her system in several countries.
To open for our eller an unused potential, she had to make use of unknown resources and build piece by piece. She imagined a puzzle, where all the pieces had to be in place in order for her to see a whole picture.
Deborah has experienced “hitting the wall”, and felt she was never adequate, never good enough or mastered her tasks as a finance manager, girlfriend or mother. This is where the first piece fell into place.
A high stress factor brings us away from the resources we have. We become restless, exhausted, have trouble sleeping and lose motivation and enthusiasm.
In a world where the outer facade is of great importance, there is conscious and subconscious stress and pressure. We are expected to perform at a high level, and adapt to the demands that are set for us in all arenas of life.
Our exterior is constantly being adjusted to suit these external demands, while we haven’t learned much about adjusting within. The facade has become more important than how we feel mentally.
The first piece is to release pressure and stress, so that we are able to be present in life.
The brain became an important approach for Deborah to understanding more of who we are and how we function. She understood that the brain could be used as a resource center, to gain access to the full potential we have as human beings.
The brain contains billions of nerve cells, which through advanced interaction control thoughts, emotions, behaviours and movements, and process all impulses received.
You may have learned that stress can be reduced by walking in nature, meditation or yoga, or that you can train your brain using crossword puzzles. You may not have learned that you can consciously develop and train your brain to handle life’s tasks and challenges.
This became a new and important piece that had to be put in place. Deborah discovered how we can train the brain in a systematic way to optimize and strengthen the brain’s functions. We can change the brain by creating new neural pathways, while simultaneously using a larger part of the brain’s network.
The second piece is to train the whole brain, not just certain parts, so that we can use more of our resources.
The next step for Deborah was to figure out how we could make changes ourselves. She needed techniques that could bring about lasting change, and were easy to use in daily life.
Independence and self-management are important factors that enable each individual to use our full potential. A feeling of mastering is of utmost importance for humans, and Deborah built up a method that allows us to change the brain ourselves without guidance or a therapist.
The piece fell into place when she developed cognitive techniques along with training of the brain. Scientists call this self-guided positive imagery training. Imagery means: Imaginary, unreal or non-existent. When we are creative and get an idea, we use imagery (our imagination). We can say that an idea is imaginary until it is materialized.
The mental exercises in the basic course are based on imagery. This means that thoughts and imagination are used actively in the training of the brain.
The third piece is to lead oneself, and at the same time have techniques that make it possible to make changes yourself. We can lead ourselves in a more efficient way and achieve a happier daily life.
Balance between reason and emotions is of great importance in dealing with small and large challenges and tasks in daily life. This was one of the biggest challenges in Deborah’s life, and became the next piece that had to fall into place.
She had to attain balance between reason, or our thinking on one hand, and emotions and imagination on the other.
People are steered by emotions, and Deborah discovered that by creating a stronger network in the brain, we could gain greater control over our emotions in daily life. We need to strengthen the balance between the subconscious and emotions, as well as the conscious and our logic.
You may have experienced being stuck in an emotion that is difficult to release. It can be irritation, anger, sadness or despair. We operate on autopilot, where the brain retrieves old memories, and we are not aware of what we are thinking or feeling. Balance between reason and emotions will therefore help us to improve self-regulation and emotional stability.
The fourth piece is to have balance between reason and emotions, and thereby greater access to the subconscious where much of our potential resides. Then we can get the best out of life.
When Deborah had a near-death experience in 1986, she gained intuitive insight into how we function as human beings. It was an experience she felt she had to look into, and gain a deeper understanding of how she could turn the insight into something useful. We are much more than we were told as children, and we have a sensory apparatus available to us that is more than what we can see and express in words.
A new piece was ready to fall into place. Our sensory apparatus consists of our physical senses that we use to orient ourselves while in conscious awareness – the objective physical world. In addition, we have an inner sensory apparatus that enables us to orient ourselves in the subjective inner world – the subconscious and our emotional life.
The inner sensory apparatus is our ESP-sense, or what we often refer to as intuition or gut-feelings. However, it’s much more than that, and after 16 years of deeply investigating intuition and the senses, Deborah cracked the code.
The ESP-sense is our most important resource for interpreting the information that comes from the subconscious, and which allows us to open up for utilizing a greater potential than we have previously known.
The fifth piece is to strengthen our intuitive thinking, to open up for unused potential. Our intuitive thinking, in an evolutionary perspective, is a further development of our sensory apparatus. This enables us to make better choices and decisions.
After all these years, the time had come to gather all the knowledge and insight gained into a new system. The last piece was put in its place in the puzzle. We can say that the basic course is a combination of meditation, relaxation, mental training, consciousness training, and cognitive techniques, while it is simultaneously a tool for self-development using simple techniques to handle whatever we encounter in life.
Everything has been built based on different sciences, where the pieces have been slowly but surely put into place. It is a system based on our natural abilities and resources, yet Deborah added a whole new depth adapted to today’s society.
Discovering that our world and our beliefs may not be the whole and complete truth can be challenging to accept. Deborah’s journey led to a great upheaval in her life. She had to acknowledge, change and look at life from a whole new perspective. She had to dare to do things in a new way.
Her philosophy is not about religion or other faiths, but about how you and I, regardless of our faith, can create a better life for ourselves and others.
Deborah has always seen the world as a puzzle, where all the pieces must be in place for it to be complete. It is nonetheless about individuals, be they “homeless or a king”, we are all valuable.
The sixth piece is to be present in the world with a new perspective, where everyone uses their inner sensory apparatus in a slightly newer and more holistic way. Today we have come to a point where we are able to easily bring forth unused potential and get the best out of life.
All these pieces have become the basis for all our courses and educations in DB-System® – this opens a network of possibilities.
Deborah has experienced “hitting the wall”, and felt she was never adequate, never good enough or mastered her tasks as a finance manager, a girlfriend or mother. This is where the first piece fell into place.
A high stress factor brings us away from the resources we have. We become restless, exhausted, have trouble sleeping and lose motivation and enthusiasm.
In a world where the outer facade is of great importance, there is conscious and subconscious stress and pressure. We are expected to perform at a high level, and adapt to the demands that are set for us in all arenas of life..
Our exterior is constantly being adjusted to suit these external demands, while we haven’t learned much about adjusting within. The facade has become more important than how we feel mentally.
The first piece is to release pressure and stress, so that we are able to be present in life.
The brain became an important approach for Deborah to understanding more of who we are and how we function. She understood that the brain could be used as a resource center, to gain access to the full potential we have as human beings.
The brain contains billions of nerve cells, which through advanced interaction control thoughts, emotions, behaviours and movements, and process all impulses received.
You may have learned that stress can be reduced by walking in nature, meditation or yoga, or that you can train your brain using crossword puzzles. You may not have learned that you can consciously develop and train your brain to handle life’s tasks and challenges.
This became a new and important piece that had to be put in place. Deborah discovered how we can train the brain in a systematic way to optimize and strengthen the brain’s functions. We can change the brain by creating new neural pathways, while simultaneously using a larger part of the brain’s network.
The second piece is to train the whole brain, not just certain parts, so that we can use more of our resources.
The next step for Deborah was to figure out how we could make changes ourselves. She needed techniques that could bring about lasting change, and were easy to use in daily life.
Independence and self-management are important factors that enable each individual to use our full potential. A feeling of mastering is of utmost importance for humans, and Deborah built up a method that allows us to change the brain ourselves without guidance or a therapist.
The piece fell into place when she developed cognitive techniques along with training of the brain. Scientists call this self-guided positive imagery training. Imagery means: Imaginary, unreal or non-existent. When we are creative and get an idea, we use imagery (our imagination). We can say that an idea is imaginary until it is materialized.
The mental exercises in the basic course are based on imagery. This means that thoughts and imagination are used actively in the training of the brain.
The third piece is to lead oneself, and at the same time have techniques that make it possible to make changes yourself. We can lead ourselves in a more efficient way and achieve a happier daily life.
Balance between reason and emotions is of great importance in dealing with small and large challenges and tasks in daily life. This was one of the biggest challenges in Deborah’s life, and became the next piece that had to fall into place.
She had to attain balance between reason, or our thinking on one hand, and emotions and imagination on the other.
People are steered by emotions, and Deborah discovered that by creating a stronger network in the brain, we could gain greater control over our emotions in daily life. We need to strengthen the balance between the subconscious and emotions, as well as the conscious and our logic.
You may have experienced being stuck in an emotion that is difficult to release. It can be irritation, anger, sadness or despair. We operate on autopilot, where the brain retrieves old memories, and we are not aware of what we are thinking or feeling. Balance between reason and emotions will therefore help us to improve self-regulation and emotional stability.
The fourth piece is to have balance between reason and emotions, and thereby greater access to the subconscious where much of our potential resides. Then we can get the best out of life.
When Deborah had a near-death experience in 1986, she gained intuitive insight into how we function as human beings. It was an experience she felt she had to look into, and gain a deeper understanding of how she could turn the insight into something useful. We are much more than we were told as children, and we have a sensory apparatus available to us that is more than what we can see and express in words.
A new piece was ready to fall into place. Our sensory apparatus consists of our physical senses that we use to orient ourselves while in conscious awareness – the objective physical world. In addition, we have an inner sensory apparatus that enables us to orient ourselves in the subjective inner world – the subconscious and our emotional life.
The inner sensory apparatus is our ESP-sense, or what we often refer to as intuition and gut-feelings. However, it’s much more than that, and after 16 years of deeply investigating intuition and the senses, Deborah cracked the code.
The ESP-sense is our most important resource for interpreting the information that comes from the subconscious, and which allows us to open up for utilizing a greater potential than we have previously known.
The fifth piece is to strengthen our intuitive thinking, to open up for unused potential. Our intuitive thinking, in an evolutionary perspective, is a further development of our sensory apparatus. This enables us to make better choices and decisions.
After all these years, the time had come to gather all the knowledge and insight gained into a new system. The last piece was put in its place in the puzzle. We can say that the basic course is a combination of meditation, relaxation, mental training, consciousness training, and cognitive techniques, while it is simultaneously a tool for self-development using simple techniques to handle whatever we encounter in life.
Everything has been built based on different sciences, where the pieces have been slowly but surely put into place. It is a system based on our natural abilities and resources, yet Deborah added a whole new depth adapted to today’s society.
Discovering that our world and our beliefs may not be the whole and complete truth can be challenging to accept. Deborah’s journey led to a great upheaval in her life. She had to acknowledge, change and look at life from a whole new perspective. She had to dare to do things in a new way.
Her philosophy is not about religion or other faiths, but about how you and I, regardless of our faith, can create a better life for ourselves and others.
Deborah has always seen the world as a puzzle, where all the pieces must be in place for it to be complete. It is nonetheless about individuals, be they “homeless or a king”, we are all valuable.
The sixth piece is to be present in the world with a new perspective, where everyone uses their inner sensory apparatus in a slightly newer and more holistic way. Today we have come to a point where we are able to easily bring forth unused potential and get the best out of life.
All these pieces have become the basis for all our courses and educations in DB-System® – this opens a network of possibilities.
Unique Mind ESP
Banebakken 52
3127 Tønsberg, Norway
Tlf. +47 90 28 49 49
Monday – Friday 9-15
Processing of Personal Information in Unique Mind ESP Privacy