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One of my most fascinating dreams

Blog: One of my most fascinating dreams

Some people feel that it can be challenging to work on our own processes, because we are not used to doing inner work at subconscious levels as part of our development. We often feel that we need help from others to do this, like a therapist to lead one through the process. In the DB-System® there are techniques that help you to lead yourself, and many have asked me to describe what such a process can be like.

DB-System® is about balance. Using creativity while taking action to reach a goal, as well as to cope with what we call life.

Life itself is a process, and throughout life we encounter various challenges and problems that we want to do something about. All processes are not alike, but can nonetheless be put into a system to cope with them. There are two techniques in the basic course that we among other things actively use for processer, and I would like to describe a little from a process I have had, to show how this work can be done.

For more than twenty years I have taught various courses and lectured to show others that we have innate resources we can use to improve quality of life and to cope with whatever we encounter in life with inner calmness and balance. In 2009 I created a whole new course that I knew would help us in a new way. My dream is to put this to work at every level in society – everything from kindergartens and schools to governments. I have travelled a long journey from the outer, physical conscious level to the creative, inner subconscious level, and then balanced these two levels of consciousness.


Starting an inner process to gain understanding

Founding a completely new system that requires us humans to think in a new way and make changes within, has been a challenging and demanding process that has taken many years. I continually strive to find new ways to communicate that make it easier for people to understand what DB-System® is and does.

A while ago I realized that I had less energy and passion than I usually do, and it became clear to me that I needed to start on an inner process in order to understand what was happening. I know that when I encounter something I don’t want, I need to find out what lies in the subconscious.

I started the process by using the Nightfilm technique to examine the situation that I had become aware of.

This technique helps me to find answers and solutions for things that I cannot see or understand at the conscious level. Sometimes this leads to “coincidences”, or thoughts and ideas that arise. At other times, our subconscious sends answers by using our dreams, which is what happened for me in this case.


Dreams – an inner dialogue at the subconscious level

I’ve always been fascinated by dreams because they connect us to our subconscious level. Dreams are an inner dialogue in the subconscious, and they provide good, deep information when you understand what they are telling you. Scientists that study dreams have found that dreams also have a problem-solving function, and that dreams are a form of subconscious thinking.

I was inspired by Jung’s depth psychology, about facilitating a conversation between the conscious and the subconscious, interpreted through use of symbols. Interpreting my dreams has given me many a-ha experiences.

The same night that I had used the Nightfilm technique to start the process, I had one of my most fascinating dreams. I dreamt that I was at a place where people were very fearful. They were afraid because they had to pass by a “monster”. They had to go through a room where “the monster” was, and now it was my turn to meet the frightening animal. When I entered the room, I saw something beautiful and magnificent. It was a tiger python that radiated enormous love and power. It gave me a lot of information, and when I left the room I was both proud and happy that I had been willing to enter the room where the “monster” was.


Interpreting dreams

Each person has their own incidents, references, and experiences stored in the subconscious, that we must consider when interpreting a dream. This means that my dream could mean something different from person to person, and it is therefore important that each person interprets their own dream in light of what we have stored within us. It also needs to be interpreted depending on our intention when using the Nightfilm technique.

During the process I use The Creative Corner technique to examine what has come to me. Perhaps it was a dream or just ideas and thoughts that arise at a conscious level. As previously mentioned, the Nightfilm technique is used to find answers and solutions, while The Creative Corner technique makes use of the subconscious and whatever is stored there.

While in The Creative Corner I can have a conversation between the conscious and the subconscious, and in this case I analyze the dream I had by conducting an inner dialogue with the tiger python.

First, I considered the animal, a combination of a tiger and a python snake. The tiger was a symbol for my driving force in daily life, while the python represented the inner, spiritual part of me. The spiritual part may simply be described as in Michael Jackson’s song Heal the World: “There’s a place in your heart and I know that it is love”. Love is fundamental in all humans and is our natural condition when we are born.

All the fearful people in my dream were various parts of me, and the tiger python reminded me that where there is fear, love disappears. We can only have one emotion at a time, and our feelings radiate outward from us. Through my conversation with the tiger python, I understood that fear had come stealthily like a python.

Because I wanted to reach my goal so badly, I had tried to adjust my language and actions, but had lost myself along the way. I encountered so many limitations for what I could or could not say, what I could be or not be, when I wanted this work to be integrated in society.

The next step in the process was to include all the insight I had gained from the Nightfilm and continue the process with inner dialogue in The Creative Corner with the part of me that felt so much fear and was so afraid. I continue doing that until the fear is gone, so that I can continue my work in an atmosphere of love.

I knew intuitively that this dream would be important for me in many ways. It was also important for me to have the image from my inner realm made into a physical image so that the tiger python could hang on my wall and remind me to be all that I am. Balance at every level! Balance between logic and emotions creates emotional stability. We all need that!


A way of life that is a little different

We allow ourselves to be influenced by outer conditions and the opinions and attitudes of others all the time, and yes, fear arrives stealthily and is destructive. There are only two emotions – fear and love. Meaning that no matter what we are afraid of or what kind of monster we have within that is hindering us, it is fear in one form or another. By listening to our heart, and not trying to adjust who we truly are in our heart, we can remain strong within.

Even when things come to a halt, this does not mean that the techniques don’t work, but are a measure of how willing I am to examine whatever I encounter and start new processes in order to make progress.

The process is life itself and its development, we just need to learn to understand it and cope with whatever we encounter. Simple? No, but an exciting and interesting journey if we choose to open up for a new and different way of life.

Wishing you satisfying and exciting processes.

Deborah Borgen