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I came home as a new person

Testimonial: I came home as a new person. Happy woman.

“I came home like a new person. I still don’t understand how it is possible, but it is :)”


Dear Unique Mind, and especially Marianne,

Many heartfelt thanks for a start on a new daily life!

Today I’ve been at work, been happy, and my head has stayed calm.

A week ago on Monday I started working again after having been on sick leave, and right then going in the door at work felt like the worst thing I had done in my entire life.

I previously experienced such a great problem with one of my colleagues that I felt completely stupid, vomited before work, stood in the lavatory with dry heaves, cried at work and cried after work. I wasted my days just thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking and was afraid to sleep because then the morning would arrive, so I had to take pills. I can’t remember the last time I felt happy within or thought a positive thought about myself or what I do.

Today I woke up after a good night’s sleep without pills, I was happy and my head wasn’t filled with negative thoughts!

I drove to town and went right to my job. And it went fine! Even when meeting my colleague, I stayed content and “thoughtless.”

I went to your course without any expectations at all, and didn’t really know what it was all about. I came home like a new person. I still don’t understand how it is possible, but it is 🙂

Many heartfelt thanks to you, Marianne, who helped me to get this far, and to you Deborah for choosing to share your life experience and create this course.

I am forever grateful for finding my way back to good old me!! 🙂

Big hug from Linn